Workouts (on the field, in the weight room and via Zoom), new school format, grades/grade checks, football after school and more...

Hello All,
I hope you are all healthy and safe. It has been an interesting year, but we are going to get as close to normal as possible over the next four months, starting this week.
Team Meeting
#FalconFootballFamily meeting, via Zoom tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7:30 pm. We'll go over the information in this update, talk about the workout/practice schedule, school, fundraising, and I'll take questions.
All varsity football players should be part of the workout group/chat on What's App. Coach Durkin sends out the workout every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Let me know if you are not receiving messages. If you do not have a place to lift today, go to Fitness Quest 10 at 11 am. But you need to let Coach Durkin know you are coming by responding to the What's App text.
NEW WORKOUTS - Starting Wednesday
Varsity will be lifting together via Zoom, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays as 11 am. Time is subject to change with notice. To make that happen I need all varsity football player with weight rooms to SIGN UP HERE. We will then make sure we get an appropriate number of team members to each location to lift together via Zoom. Players that do not have a place to go will be working out at Fitness Quest 10 at the same time. Each location will need to socially distance. I will be asking parents to donate sanitizing wipes so every station can be wiped down after every use.
Freshmen and JV will be back out on the field. Starting Wednesday, we will return to Stonebridge Park at 9 am. We will workout this Wednesday and Friday, and Monday, Wednesday, Friday of next week. The workout will be one hour and we will be using Coach Durkin's Get Yoked workouts.
After School Workouts
Once school starts, we will be working out after school at least four days a week, both via Zoom and at the park. The time will be discussed on our Zoom call tomorrow night. But it is time to get back on a schedule, lift and practice.
AAU Membership Renewals
All memberships expire at the end of August. In a normal year we are already in our season, so we don't renew until the following summer. This year, we will all have to renew because until the official start of football on December 14, 2020 we are operating as a club team. Visit the homepage and click on the AAU information to renew for 2020/21. It will expire at the end of next summer, so you will not need to renew for our summer workouts next year.
New School Format
By now most of you should be aware of the change for both online and on-site learning. We will be moving to a quarter system where each student has three classes every 9 weeks. I have already received a number of questions about that, and what it means, so we will cover it thoroughly tomorrow night during our Zoom call. Question like; what does that mean for 6th period PE, do we really get progress reports every four and a half weeks, how does eligibility work, are their going to be citizenship grades, etc.
Grade Checks/Study Hall - Expectations
Our SCHOOL FIRST policy will still guide our expectations. If you are not familiar, check it out HERE. We will continue to do weekly grade checks. The expectation is clear, SCHOOL FIRST. Football is a game. School and learning is our primary reason for being at Scripps Ranch High School. To help maintain the STUDENT/Athlete balance, we will be looking at overall grades, each graded assignment, quizzes and test scores. And with the new school format, you will have MUCH BETTER access to your teachers to get help daily.
With online learning and better access to teachers, study hall will be postponed until we return to on-site learning. However, our expectation are higher, because you can talk to your teachers everyday if you need help. The #FalconFootballFamily will be utilizing the additional support offered in this new format. Despite the challenges online learning can create, the format gives you ample opportunity to succeed.
As usual, we will take into account learning challenges and individual circumstances. What we won't be accepting are excuses. I don't like online learning isn't an acceptable excuse. It is our new reality and we will continue to use football to teach life lessons, like "suck it up." Parents are having to work from home too. So you might as well learn how to do that too.
Support the #FalconFootballFamily
It takes a lot to make our football program special. I will be sending out our annual program outlook for the upcoming season with details on our fundraising plans and what you can expect your child to receive from us. But it is time to get started. More information to come before our call tomorrow night.
That's it for now. Get that workout in. And get ready to get back on schedule. The endless summer free for all is over!
It's time to get back to football.
Coach G