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SCHOOL FIRST - Grade Checks

Coach Gardinera

In order for SCHOOL FIRST to mean something there has to be accountability. We check grades year round and we mean business when we do.


We use PowerSchool to check grades. STUDENT/Athletes meet with Head Coach Marlon Gardinera to review their grades; weekly during the season, bi-weekly out of season and again weekly in the last six weeks of the second semester. STUDENT/Athletes that are having a difficult time have their grades check more frequently.

When we check grades we are looking for:

  • Attendance

  • Tardies

  • Overall Grade

  • Missing Assignments

  • Missing Homework

  • Quiz Results

  • Labs Results

  • Test Results

  • Teacher Comments

C's, D's, F's

STUDENT/Athletes with C's, D's or F's on any of the above MAY BE WITHHELD from all football activities and assigned to study hall rather then attending meetings, weightlifting, film review and practices. Football is not an option if STUDENT/Athletes are not taking care of business in the classroom.

We have found that missing football and being in study hall for hours provides ample time to course correct their performance in all classes. When we combine The Improvement Plan each STUDENT/Athlete is provided whenever there are C's, D's or F's, and missing football, things tend to turnaround quickly. When there isn't a quick turnaround, either the student is not putting in the effort needed to succeed or we are not connecting with the student and getting the most out of our resources. So we reach out for help too.


Our incredible teachers, amazing counselors and the support of our entire administration is key to our success. When we are not able to use Study Hall, Grade Checks or The Improvement Plan we explore additional supports with our teachers and counseling staff to develop a path to success for each player. We encourage STUDENT/Athletes to meet with teachers whenever possible for help. So many of our wonderful teachers have extended hours before school, at lunch, and after school to help all students better understand the lessons, complete the work and be prepared for quizzes and tests.  Whenever possible, the players are directed to ask for and complete extra credit, because we preach "success requires more, so do more."  And while it may seem grade focused, comprehension of the material being taught is key.  However, that is often symbolized by high achievement, marked by grades.

We also communicate directly with our counseling staff when academic achievement or behavioral concerns require additional support. Our administration is also with us as they recognize our efforts to make SCHOOL FIRST for all STUDENT/Athletes.

IEP and 504's and other education related accommodations can be made on request. How does that work for football? We've had students who need extra time to complete assignments, homework, study/preparation for school work. And in each case we work with staff, counselors, administration and families to make SCHOOL FIRST. Allowing STUDENT/Athletes to miss football related activities without penalty, to develop alternative plans to our study hall requirements, etc. That's why we call our approach to academics SCHOOL FIRST.


Tutoring is available Monday thru Thursday in the library after school. Computers, printers, text books are also available to our STUDENT/Athletes.


Grade checks can also be fun.  You can see it in a player's eyes when they have improved.  You don't even have to look at the grades.  Although we do.  And it happens from students with B's that we sincerely expect to raise to A's, to students with C's, D's and F's who are able to return from suspension from football for not putting SCHOOL FIRST.


It has become part of our culture to make SCHOOL FIRST.  And our STUDENT/Athletes get it.  They rarely fight it.  And 90% of our boys are on track. We have a handful of kids that have been suspended from all football activity, but they are actively working to get back.  We work with families modifying any plans we've put together to align with parental decisions all in an effort to push all of our kids to achieve.  The kids that can rejoin the team are relieved and they realize C's, D's and F's are not acceptable in this program.



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